Happy Wednesday friends! I truly cannot believe it is already time for this post! The last Wednesday of every month I link up with Shay and Sheaffer and we answer these questions for What’s Up Wednesday…..
And I seriously feel like we JUST did this! Where is this month going?! Well, while we are pondering that, let’s get to it shall we?
Okay you guys, the kitchen is almost finished which means I can cook again. But, if you know me, you know I don’t really like to cook, so really what it means is I’m back to making 2-3 meals a week and the rest is carry out. I tell myself when Leyton gets older I will cook more, so here’s hoping.
And while we are on the topic of food, OMG who has had this ice cream??
I normally try not to buy ice cream because, hello trying to eat healthy here, but I was intrigued by this flavor and holy crap is it good! All of their other flavors looked amazing too! Let’s just say I’m glad I have nothing to wear a bathing suit to this summer.
Napa!! Eric and I just went for our 10 year wedding anniversary and had THE best time. I could stay there forever in the land of wine and cheese. That was our second time there and it was just as good as the first. My only responsibility for 5 days was to taste wine and give my opinion. Take me back!
These products from Monat!
Don’t mind that one is a sample. I’m waiting for the full size to arrive as I ordered it after trying it and loving it. I know I’ve talked about this Super Moisture Masque before but it bears repeating because you guys, it’s so stinking good! Anyone can use and benefit from this masque but if you have dry or frizzy hair this was made for you! It’s my go to this summer.
And then the Intense Repair Conditioner is a new one I started using and I’m loving that too! Also great it you need regrowth or if you have dry hair or ends. Give me all the moisture and sleekness!
Really just finishing up this kitchen, our anniversary trip and enjoying summer. The backsplash is going in this week and then there’s a few finishing touches to do and the kitchen will be done. I can’t wait. I’m ready to be back in my kitchen with everything in it’s place and not have people coming and going. I’m also going to try real hard to enjoy this finished project and not want to jump to the next one (like the master bathroom, *cough *cough).
Nothing that I can think of. I’m happy it’s summer and am ready for all the outside and family time.
I have a new segment coming your way Friday and other than that I’m working on other ideas for the blog and instagram. Prime Day is coming up in July so for my Amazon lovers, I’m definitely tackling that.
Is it sad that I’m excited about TV shows on right now? I’ll address this further in the “what I’m watching” section but there’s so many right now, I love it! I also have some awesome audio books and podcasts I’m getting ready to listen to as well that I’m excited about.
Sooo many shows! I probably shouldn’t watch as much TV as I do but at the end of the day I just love some mindless television watching. Here’s what I’m currently obsessed with….don’t judge me 🙂
1. Yes, I got sucked into watching The Hills reboot, but so far it actually isn’t too bad. I’m sure a lot of fake scripted TV is about to happen but this first episode was decent and I like that they revisited where everyone’s been.
2. Southern Charm is always a guilty pleasure because I love the south so much.
3. Who is watching Songland? This show you guys is soooo good! The songwriters are so talented and most times I want all of the songs to become hits.
4. And speaking of talent, AGT gets me every time. There’s something about this show and the talent and people going after their passions and dreams that I just love watching.
5. Next, Big Little Lies is back! If you haven’t watched this show you absolutely need to! I never read the book so I’m not sure how it compares but season 1 and now season 2 are both a total must see.
6. And lastly, ANW will always be my favorite. There’s something about watching super athletic people from my couch eating snacks, that just excites me haha. They make me feel like I could run these courses despite the fact that I can’t even do a proper pushup.
As far as reading goes, you know the same is always true for me…..I have a hundred books I want to read and on the shelf they sit. I always say I need to get into a reading routine. I’m still trying to figure that one out. I need all the tips and discipline when it comes to reading and even listening to audio books. These days if I have time to listen to something it’s usually a podcast, which isn’t all bad but it’s not helping me tackle my reading list.
All. Summer. Long! You guys, this album is everything right now. I’ve always found The Jo Bros songs to be catchy but never really got into them when I was younger (and they were Disney royalty) but these grown up, mature, high falsetto Jonas Brothers…..yes, yes, yes! I loved Sucker as soon as it came out and now I’m equally in love with Roller Coaster and Only Human. The song they record from Songland, Green Light, is also so good!
Give me all the tie-dye right now! This shirt is from Amazon and is under $20 and so stinking comfortable. And the bright colors are just perfect.
I’m also wearing these cute sunglasses sent to me by SOJOS. At first I wasn’t sure if I could pull them off, seeing as how I wore something similar when I was six, but they have been well received by most. They are $11 and totally worth snagging for yourself.
You know I don’t think we have any huge plans. Hopefully the weather will be nice so we can be outdoors. Eric and I did learn in Napa that some of the wine we bought on our last trip actually won’t keep much longer so darn, looks like we may have to break into some of that :).
Rachel Hollis Rise Conference! I booked this months ago and am getting so excited for sure! I’ve only heard the best things so I can’t wait to experience it for myself.
I think that about covers it! It’s been a good month but I can’t believe we are about halfway into summer. Time slow down!
That does it for this month’s What’s Up Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you back here Friday.