Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Ours was great and once again the weather was awesome! I have to tell you I was so excited to finally be back with Monday Must Haves and of course yesterday our internet stopped working!! We think it’s an issue with a cable and therefore we are at the mercy of a technician that can’t come out until Tuesday! I don’t know about you guys but I’m a desktop girl. I love my phone and do 90% of everything from my phone but when it comes to the blog I loathe writing it from my phone. It’s just a little more tedious and not ideal. But, I’m persevering and we are doing this because I told you Must Haves would be back. And perhaps this is irony…..because without a doubt the biggest must have of all this week is….internet!
But, since that isn’t that exciting that’s get to the real meat of the post. First up, if you saw my post on Friday all about how to wear snakeskin then you know I’m loving these mules from Target.
I can’t wait to wear these this fall! In fact, Target is where I found several of this week’s must haves including two of the softest pair of lounge pants I have ever owned.
They were both so comfortable I couldn’t pick just one! Thank goodness Target is inexpensive because they get me every time. And speaking of soft and comfortable from Target…..
I’m in love this this sweatshirt! I love it so much, I wore it all day yesterday despite it being 90 degrees outside. Once you put it on, you won’t want to take it off no matter the temps.
Going back to the snakeskin talk I also found this cami from Amazon.
I swear between Amazon and Target I’m set. Both always have such affordable, good pieces. I even bought an evening gown from Amazon y’all!
I needed a formal dress for a Monat conference we have coming up in September and I kept coming up short. Someone suggested Amazon and I totally scoffed at the idea at first, but then I looked and actually found a great selection. So, if you are ever in the market for a formal dress for a wedding, event or Prom/Homecoming, I’d definitely check them out. I haven’t gotten it yet, so I’ll report back on the quality but it was only $50 so if it’s good that’s going to be a total win.
Last up, remember when I went to the Rise conference last month? Well when I was there each day I had the most amazing acai bowl! They were so good in fact I have been craving them hard core ever since. Cincinnati has them but that requires driving a good distance and with Leyton that isn’t feasible all the time. So, thank you Whole Foods for having a solution…..
These little packs, you can buy and make your own acai bowls! You blend it up with some water and half a banana and then top with some fruit and granola and done! It’s been a nice, filling treat to have on these hot summer days.
Alright friends that does it! Have a great week ahead and if our internet is cooperating, I’ll see you back here Wednesday!