Happy Monday friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent much of Saturday getting my hair done (I was two weeks past due and it was looking rough!) and on Sunday we had pretty decent weather so we enjoyed some family time at the park.
I have a little mix of things for must haves today including some things from a J.Crew try on last Friday and a Trader Joe’s haul. So let’s dive in!
First up, if you missed my post Friday, I took you inside my recent try on session at J. Crew Factory. I love that store so much because they always have such great finds but at much cheaper than the actual J. Crew store. Plus, their selection is always incredible! So I popped in last week to see what all new stuff they had out for summer and all I can say is holy shorts!
Cutoff shorts // Stripped shorts // Chambray shorts
Pom Pom Drawstring Short // Scalloped shorts
This wasn’t even all of them, but these were my favorites. I loved them all, especially the coral scalloped pair, and definitely think that if you like shorts you need to check them out. I don’t typically love too fitted a short but the majority of their selection is lose with a draw string or elastic band which I know will be perfect on those hot days of summer.
The other must haves I found during that try on were the much sought after white denim jacket, a gingham button up shirt and a pineapple covered, very lightweight sweater.
White Denim Jacket // Orange Gingham // Pineapple Top
And while we are on the topic of clothing….I got home Saturday from my hair appointment to a beautiful little package housing the best dupe ever…..
The Gucci belt dupe y’all! Funny story about this belt….I kept seeing it everywhere on Instagram. I mean everyone had this darn belt! I was floored thinking, how (and more importantly why), are so many people spending $350 for a belt?! Listen, I’m all for a good splurge, but $350 on something I maybe wear a few times a year? I didn’t get it. Then, when I attended the Saks Fifth Avenue blogger event we were granted access into the exclusive Fendi and Gucci room, where I came face to face with this leather beauty with all it’s gold hardware charm. I may or may not have squealed in excitement at the thought of it (I cant remember as I blacked out from the overwhelming joy of being inside a room housing only Fendi and Gucci), and it was in that moment that one of my blogger gal pals leaned over and whispered…..”girl, just get the dupe on Amazon.” What?! There was a dupe? As soon as I got home I pulled up Amazon and sure enough, not only was there a dupe, there was a freaking amazing, no way would anyone be able to tell the difference, dupe!! I quickly realized, THAT’S how everyone is affording (or not affording) this belt. I added to cart, hit purchase, and the rest is history.
Now listen, ordinarily I am not about a dupe. When I was a teenager I had some knock off Louis Vuitton bags and I felt like such a fraud every time I carried them. So 9 times out of 10 I will say, wait until you can afford the real deal, or save up for it and treat yo self! But you guys, a belt? I don’t care if you can drop $350 G’s on a belt, I just think there are better uses for your money. I mean unless you are going to wear that sucker 360 days out of the year then by all means. But again for me, who only wears a belt once in a blue moon, I could never rationalize that cost. Now handbags….oh I can justify an expensive handbag any day of the week!
Anyways, all that to say if you too want people to think you spent $350 on a belt but only want to really spend $20…..head here.
Switching gears from clothing….as with most of the world I am currently on a quest to Marie Kondo the crap out of my house. Especially with spring cleaning coming around the corner as well as a kitchen reno we have coming down the pike, I’ve been in the mood to really declutter and organize! I tackle a project at a time but this week it was the dreaded sock drawer! And since I’m totally type A and love organizing, nothing gets me more excited than things that help with that, like this drawer divider!
I should have taken a before picture but trust me when I tell you, it was a hot mess. I like everything to have it’s place and these dividers are perfect at keeping things in their own little sections. Here is the end product….
I’m sure Marie Kondo has a better method for storing socks and sports bras but for me this is great! Shop the dividers here.
Lastly, I did a Trader Joe’s run with Leyton last week and ahhh that store is the best! I always find the greatest treats! Here are some things I picked up that I can’t.stop.eating!
The chocolate bars are like candy bars, I’m a sucker for anything butterscotch, and the breakfast trek mix is individual packets, making them perfect for on the go! If you have a Trader Joe’s near you, I highly recommend scooping these up. Unless of course you’re trying to eat healthy, then maybe don’t go there because everything is so tempting!
Alright friends, that’s it for this week’s must haves. I hope everyone has a great Monday and I’ll see you back here later this week!