Happy Wednesday friends! Sorry I have been absent lately. As you know from my post Monday, it’s been a crazy past week and I’m slowly getting caught up. My plan today was to have a Napa recap post but then I remembered it’s the second Wednesday of the month and those are when I link up with Shay and Erika for Let’s Look, and we cover a specific topic each month.
So I’ll have Napa soon, but for today Let’s Look: At My Typical Day!
A typical day for me starts at 7:00AM. I like to get up and get going and have me time before Leyton gets up at 8:00AM. I wake up, take the dog out and then I get to important things like…..
Anyone else get totally lazy on making a pot of coffee once they have a Keurig? I pretty much use it every morning. It’s so quick and easy (although after preparing the pot of coffee that’s super easy too). Next, I head into my office and start my day with these two things….
This Joel book is the second time I’ve read it. It’s quick, daily reads and it’s so so good! I do some sort of devotional read, like this, this is just the one I’m doing now. After that I do my Rachel Hollis, Start Today journal where I write out 5 things I’m grateful for and 10 daily affirmations. I’m a huge believer in positive affirmations and visualizing your goals, so starting the day with that is key.
After that, I spend some time working on Monat or blogging, social media stuff, etc. Then it’s 8AM and time to start the day.
Leyton wakes up and I make breakfast. Lately, I’m enjoying cottage cheese and Ezekiel Bread toast.
After breakfast Leyton plays in the living room while I tidy up the kitchen, wash dishes, etc.
After that I get myself ready if I haven’t yet and then typically we are out the door to do something to get us out of the house and for Leyton to burn energy. Sometimes it’s the zoo, or Target or the grocery store, but yesterday, we went to the park.
After that we came home and had some lunch (which I forgot to get pictures of), and then it was nap time for Leyton. I put him down and then it’s my time to get things done. Sometimes I’ll throw laundry in or tidy up areas of the house, but usually I try to get some work done.
He tends to nap for 2-3 hours. Sometimes I’ll squeeze a workout in there too but lately I’ve been saving that for after his nap so I can maximize my time to get other things done. Yesterday, he woke up around 4:30 so I got him up and then I put him in his playpen to play and drink his milk while I squeeze in a quick run.
By the time I was done with everything it was 6:00pm and time for dinner. We often do take out that Eric brings home on his way home from work but this week I’m cooking 3 times (I try to cook some each week. I’m a work in progress), so after my workout Leyton plays while I prepare dinner.
Last night was Parmesan crusted cod with cooked carrots.
After dinner I try to tidy up some dishes, and then we are off on a family walk. I hopped in the shower quick while Eric and Leyton finished eating and then we headed out.
Everyone looks forward to the family walks at night. It’s a good way to start winding down, and burn off dinner.
After the walk we bathed Leyton and did out nighttime routine and put him to bed. I didn’t get any pictures of that. After that I sometimes tidy up the kitchen more if it needs it but most nights I head to my office and work on some more things for Monat or the blog. Yesterday, I worked on this post! But first I need a little evening snack.
I work until about 10:00 or 11:00 PM and then either go to bed or watch a TV show and then head to bed. I should read a book but at the end of the day sometimes I just want something mindless. And there you have it friends. That’s a typical day in the life. I always like hearing about how people fill their day, so hopefully you enjoyed this! Have a great rest of the week!