Happy Friday friends! Today I thought I would do a fun little post to kick off the weekend. I’m sharing my top 10 favorite Instagram accounts to follow. I don’t know if anyone is like me, but I’m A. obsessed with Instagram (Eric makes fun of me and calls it my “hobby”….is that sad??) and B. there are just some accounts you always want to see when you open up Instagram, right? Bonus, if I see they have insta-stories posted! Anyways, these are fun accounts that make me smile, and I figured I’d share them with you!
And if you aren’t following me (you should be!) check me out while you’re at it. My Instagram username is jillkoch620 or you can click the follow button on the sidebar or the Instagram icon at the top of the page. Okay, so on to my favorites….
- @Letteredcottage – You guys Layla Palmer of Lettered Cottage is hilarious, not to mention mega creative, down to earth, and beautiful, and ahhh I can’t say enough good things about her. Her insta-stories make me laugh. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and just has fun. She and her husband have adopted the sweetest boy, Steevenson from Haiti and they share about Haiti and mission trips too. Every Wednesday she does a “Let’s Go!” segment where she picks a random store (ie. Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Home Goods, etc.) and she shows you 5 design ideas from that store. Her home is beautiful, her feed is fun. You need to be following her.
- @Garyjanetti – So many people know of Brad Goreski (fashion stylist to the stars, I first discovered him when he was Rachel Zoe’s assistant), anyways Brad’s husband Gary is.a.riot! He’s super successful in his own right and is a writer in Hollywood. The best part about Gary’s feed is that he pretends to be the voice of Prince George and you guys it’s hi-lar-ious! His captions for what “George” is thinking or saying in each photo are laugh out loud funny. Half the reason I was so excited for the royal wedding was just to see how Gary would portray George. And friends, he did not disappoint. If you like the royals and want a good laugh, check out his feed.
- @Nursenacole (Nicole Riccaboni)- At first I was thinking this one would only appeal to fellow nurses but then I realized that nurse stuff is only a small part of what Nacole covers on her feed. She is one that as soon as I log into instagram I hope she has stories posted because they are always so funny. Her reactions to things are what makes it. I think we all have a little Nacole on the inside of us. Taking in the world and constantly exclaiming “what is happening?!” One of her favorite phrases. She’s just fun and her son Rocco is adorable. One of the best parts of her stories is when she watches Netflix, and gives her thoughts about what she’s watching it real time. She’s just always providing good, clean entertainment, and is sure to make you laugh.
- @Christinajwarren – Christina is another one that just has funny expressions and always has funny stories to share. Whether it’s something that happened to her that day in public or about her time in the navy. Oh but she’s also super boho chic and gives great design ideas. She’s another one (along with Layla) that I just want to have as a friend or get coffee with. My guess is that she is that friend that always has people laughing. She’s also one that I get so excited to see when they post stories.
- @Camwimberly1 (Cameron Eubanks) – Who remembers The Real World San Diego? (If you know of it, you’re probably old like me) well anyways Cameron is originally a cast member from that season, but these days she is best known for her role on Southern Charm on Bravo. If you haven’t figured out by now, I love Instagram feeds that make me laugh, and you guys she delivers! She never takes herself too seriously and the best part about her is that she couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of her. She recently had a baby and I loved how she was upfront about her parenting decisions right off the bat, even if they were controversial. She does her and will flat out tell you to piss off if you have a problem with it. And quite frankly I think we all need a little bit more of that in our lives :). She’s also just cute, and fun, and trust me when I say you would enjoy following her feed.
- @Mixandmatchmama (Shay Shull) – First let me just say Shay was one of the very first bloggers I ever started following. For those of you that watch The Bachelor she is the sister of Bachelor Sean (hot, blonde Sean from Emily Maynard’s season). Anyways, Shay is one of those people that you swear gets more hours given to her in a day. She makes everything look easy, appears to have it all together, and you’re not even mad about it. She is a mom to 4 kids (2 adopted – she has a huge heart for adoption) and quite honestly I wish she’d adopt me! Her kids always look like they are having the best time, and she gives me serious mom goals. You should follow her just for inspiration alone, and don’t even get me started on how she goes all out at the holidays. She just seems like the best girlfriend. On top of all of that she also has a great sense of style and is an amazing cook! She has several cookbooks and is on the Today show with Hoda and Kathy Lee at times for their cooking segments. Oh and when she’s not doing all of that, and raising 4 kids, and reading 6 books a month (seriously she does, every month), and running a successful blog, she’s also running a travel agency. Whew, that wore me out just listing it all! She’s a good one to follow, but I’ll warn you she will make you feel like you do absolutely nothing with your day 🙂
- @hayley_hubbard – Hayley is the wife to Florida Georgia Line singer Tyler Hubbard, and I don’t have a ton to say except that she is just cute and their baby is cute, and I enjoy following her. Plus I love FGL and sometimes you get a little behind the scenes action of their life, and concerts and that’s always fun.
- @richwilkersonjr and @dawnchere – This is almost like a two for one! Dawnchere and Rich Wilkerson Jr, are pastors at Vous church in Miami and I’m dying to get to one of their services next time Eric and I are there. They had a show on E! a few seasons ago as they are friends with Jason Kennedy and Giuliana Rancic and Rich officiated Kim and Kanye’s wedding (I was a little skeptical at first too when I heard that, but I assure you they are good people). Anyways, Rich has a book called Sandcastle Kings and it’s sooo good! And he recently released a second book, Friend of Sinners which I’m currently reading and loving as well You can find their services on their website (vouschurch.com) or Youtube. I’m hooked! He always delivers such a good message. On top of all of this they have a new baby boy, Wyatt, who’s close in age to Leyton, and he is sooo cute! They are just good, sweet, uplifting people and I gain a lot out of following their feeds.
- @Mylovelyspitz – And finally this is just a cute, fun Instagram for all you dog lovers (especially Pomeranian lovers) out there. Spitz is a little Pomeranian with a huge feed, and even bigger following, and he (well his owner) shares pictures and videos of him and fellow poms as well. It’s just a fun feed, and I can never get enough Pomeranians!