Hi friends! It’s a dreary, wet day here in Ohio (thank you Florence) although I can’t complain because some people in the path of this hurricane definitely got much worse, so a little rain I can handle, and honestly, rainy days make it feel like fall and I’m all about that! Anyways, rainy days are a great time to stay indoors and whip up some more homemade recipes. I have a bunch I’m working on, but today I have to refill my homemade face serum because it’s low and I can.not.live.without.it! So I thought I’d share.
Last week I shared my homemade body butter using just 3 ingredients and today’s recipe is just as easy and with only 4 ingredients. This is often referred to as “glow serum” in the “oily” world and it’s made up of 3 essential oils (lavender, frankincense, and copaiba) and jojoba oil. It helps reduce the signs of aging and for me has also really helped cut back on oil (I know it seems weird to apply an oil if you are oily, but trust me there is a science behind it, and it works!).
Before I get to the recipe below, lets touch on each ingredient and why they are great for skin, and what other uses they have!
First up, my tried and true, best friend (if oils can be your friend)….lavender!
Lavender is often referred to as the Swiss army knife of oils because it has soooo many uses! It’s not only calming, balancing, and relaxing for you, and your emotions when diffused, but it essentially works the same way for your skin when used in lotions and serums. I love it in my body butter, especially in the summer after being in the sun all day, but it’s also great in the winter when our skin gets dry and chapped.
Some other uses for lavender include:
- Sleep Support
- Calming/Emotional support
- Relaxation
- Respiratory relief
- Skin Support
Copaiba is one that often gets a weird reaction because it’s hard to say and it’s not one many have heard of so you immediately think, “what the heck is that for?” At least, that’s how I was. Copaiba is actually an oil that comes from resin in trees found in South America and Malaysia. So, like the a sap from trees if you will. Peruvian and Brazilian cultures use it as a natural pain remedy, as well as an anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. In fact many will mix the resin with warm water and drink it or gargle it to soothe sore throats (Life Science, 2016). Those anti-inflammatory properties are what make it great for skin.
Some other uses for Copaiba are:
- Pain
- Teething (use the Young Living vitality line, dilute 1:30 and rub on gums or jaw line)
- Bug Bites (helps with the inflammation)
- Skin Disorders
Most of you probably know Frankincense as one of the gifts given to Christ at his birth and yep friends, this baby is still around. Frankincense has lots of uses including immune support, and emotional support, but it is also so amazing for skin! It was a jack of all trades back in ancient times and still is today. This also greatly helps reduce the signs of aging and fine lines which is why it’s a key component of this face serum.
Other uses for Frankincense:
- Sleep Support
- Immune Stimulant
- Emotional Support (use vitality line and place a drop under tongue for balance and focus)
Finally, Jojoba oil (the carrier oil in this serum) is also a key ingredient because of it’s many skin benefits. It not only moisturizes our skin but it also removes buildup and excess oil, balances oil levels, prevents irritation, removes dirt and makeup and is safe, hypoallergenic, and natural. Best yet, it doesn’t clog pores, it smooths fine lines and wrinkles, and contains iodine, which helps prevent breakouts due to its bacteria fighting properties. I buy mine from Amazon.
Lastly, as I’ve mentioned before I only use Young Living essential oils because they are the only brand I know and trust to be 100% pure. There are many oils out there that claim to be pure, but FDA regulations only require those sold in stores, spas, etc. to be 50% pure and the rest can be filled with harmful, synthetic ingredients, and the company can still claim to be safe, pure, and all natural. Young Living has their Seed to Seal promise which guarantees their oils are of the highest quality with no questionable ingredients added. Just pure essential oils. They are involved in the entire process from planting the seed to sealing it up and shipping it out and therefore can regulate what does and doesn’t go into their products. Read more about Seed to Seal here.
Okay, so now that you know about all the goodness in the oils that makeup this serum, lets get to the recipe. It’s so easy…..
Using a 2 oz. dropper bottle (I buy mine from Amazon) add –
10 drops lavender
10 drops copaiba
10 drops Frankincense
Fill the rest of the way with jojoba oil
That’s it! Obviously, if using a smaller bottle, cut the recipe down. You could also make this in a roller bottle and roll on your face. That makes it a little easier to put on and it’s more travel friendly that way. All oils in this serum (except for the jojoba oil) come in the Premium Starter Kit. To get a kit click here or email me (jillcomesclean@gmail.com) so I can get you started. I hope you love this oil as much as I do!