Happy Friday friends! I’m sure everyone is more than ready for the weekend like I am. I have plans for some me time Saturday to get my hair done and then at some point Eric and I might go check out a home remodeling show, for ideas for our kitchen and bath that I desperately want redone. So fingers crossed we get some inspiration and Eric gets excited about it because currently, the thought of remodeling any area of the house is giving him a migraine. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the idea of having my house disheveled for an extended period of time but I know the end product would be so worth it!
In other news, I thought today I would do a quick little post sharing my favorite podcasts with you all. I’ll come clean with you…..I used to think podcasts were so lame, and boring, and only for people that enjoyed talk radio, as I viewed them as an extension of that. I had listened to a view a while back and couldn’t get into them. So I wasn’t really a podcast girl. Then, I started listening to Rachel Hollis, who not only has her own podcast but has several she recommends. Plus, I saw so many recommendations from people on social media and decided to give them another shot. And you guys, now, I love podcasts! At least, I love certain ones. I find them to be like daily classes from the comfort of my home. I learn so much from them, and have certain ones I look forward to each day. So, since I jumped into podcasts from the recommendations from others, I figured I would share the love and do a post with the ones I recommend, in case anyone is looking for some new ones to try, or just looking to start podcasts. So let’s get to it!
Favorite Podcasts
1. The Rise Podcast – Rachel Hollis: If you’re looking for great motivational, personal development talk, then Rachel is your girl. She always has great, tangible advice and gives it to you straight with no sugarcoating. She is the one I listen to daily.
2. Often Ambitious – Erika Sheffer & Lindsey Plevyak: I recently started listening to these ladies and love them! They have great advice for everything from growing your IG following, building your business, being an influencer, networking, and just all around personal development. They are fun and very relatable.
3. The Angie Lee Show – Angie Lee: I’ll be honest, I just started listening to her yesterday but I loved the episode so much that I’m deeming her one of my favorites! She gave such great advice for building your brand and using Instagram, and by the look of her past episodes she seems to have a lot of helpful info. along those lines and branding, growing your business, etc. I’ll definitely be listening to more of her podcasts in the future.
4. The Brendan Show – Brendan Bruchard: Are you sensing a theme yet? If you couldn’t tell, I love podcasts geared toward personal development, and you can’t talk PD without mentioning this man’s name. Brendan wrote the book High Performance Habits (which is so good) and he just has the best PD advice and tips. He, Rachel Hollis, and Tony Robbins are my go-to peeps for all things personal development and growth.
5. The Goal Digger Podcast – Jenna Kutcher: Okay, correction….Brendan, Tony, Rachel, AND this girl right here, are my go-to people for development and growth. If you haven’t listened to Jenna and you run a business or are in network marketing, or are trying to grow your following or build your brand, then you’ll want to subscribe to her podcast for sure. She gives the best advice, and is so positive and upbeat. She’s extremely relatable and just the girl next door. And she just had a baby and is still rocking it.
6. The Genius Life – Max Lugavere: Switching gears….I love Max’s podcast for all things health and wellness information and tips. I first discovered him when I bought his book Genius Foods, about how the food we eat impacts our brains and overall health. His podcast is basically an extension of that, and is filled with great information and tips related to diet and what we eat and how it affects us.
7. Joel Osteen Podcast: Given how much I like to learn about personal development and being the best version of ourselves, it’s really no wonder that I love Joel Osteen. He combines faith with positivity and achieving what you want for yourself in life. I always get so much out of his messages whether they are from his podcasts, books, his app, church services on television, etc. He’s very uplifting and encouraging, and makes you feel like you can do anything with the right mindset.
8. Enjoying Everyday Life – Joyce Meyer: And then when I need more of a swift kick in the head and more brutal honesty, I turn to Joyce. She delivers a similar message to Joel – get out of your own head, believe you can do what you set out to do, etc. but she tells it to you straight and the way your mom would tell you. She’s not going to baby you or sugarcoat it and sometimes I just need that honesty.
So those are my favorites! If you are looking to get into podcasts or just subscribe to some new ones, I can’t recommend these enough. And if you listen to podcasts, what are some of your favorites? I’m always looking to add new ones to the bunch. Have a great weekend friends! See you back here Monday!

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