Happy Thursday friends! Today I just want to share with you a quick way to deodorize that stinky garbage disposal! This recipe is so quick and easy and great to just keep under your sink so you can toss in a spoonful each night after you tidy up the kitchen.
Here are the ingredients you will need….
Just baking soda, unscented castile soap, salt (I used Kosher because I have a bunch of it for some reason), water, lemon essential oil (I use Young Living of course because it’s the best), and a jar to store it in.
Now, I’m going to give you the full recipe but just know I cut this in half and it still made a ton! It actually filled two of those blue mason jars. Okay, so lets hop to it!
First, add to a mixing bowl 2 cups of baking soda.
Next, add 1 cup of salt, followed by 1/2 cup of water, and then 1/3 cup of castile soap.
Lastly, just add 30 drops of lemon essential oil. You can shop Young Living essential oils here!
Then just mix it up, and add it to your jar. Each use you’ll only need a scoop or spoonful. I love to toss some in every night or every other night after I do the dishes. It not only refreshes the disposal but just gives off a nice lemon scent!
So again the recipe is:
- 2 cups baking soda
- 1 cup of salt
- 1/2 cup of water
- 1/3 cup of castile soap
- 30 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix it all together, and store in a jar under sink for easy access. Happy deodorizing!