Hello! It’s been quite sometime since I’ve blogged and if you’ve followed me in the past you will notice my blog got a bit of a makeover, and by makeover I mean I started a whole new blog. If you’re new to following me then you’ll have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the shortened version. I used to have a blog called Should’ve Been Southern because I love all things southern and feel that at my core I am meant to be a southern belle. The only problem is I grew up in Pennsylvania and currently live in Ohio, neither of which give me any southern belle ties. So that blog was my way of incorporating a little southern charm into my everyday life, but then something major happened…..I had a baby! And the four letter words coming out of my mouth ever since, brought on by sleep deprivation, have quickly made me realize that try as I may, a southern sweetheart I am not and thus a new blog was born.
That leads me to the name Jill Comes Clean. If you haven’t yet figured out, it’s a play on words as this blog will be an outlet to “come clean” about various aspects of life, but it’s also going to focus on the ways in which I cultivate a clean living lifestyle. Since having Leyton, I have become passionate about ridding our environment of toxins, chemicals, and other harmful ingredients. I always knew there were bad things in many of our products, food, and general every day surroundings, but it wasn’t until I began researching and learning more that I became aware of just how over-exposed we are to some pretty terrible, harmful things. So a part of this blog is quite literally going to be dedicated to going clean and sharing about it (clean eating, clean living, creating a clean household, etc.). But then there’s also going to be a fun, girly side where I can come clean about all the other areas in my life as well.
So that’s it in a nut shell. 2018 has brought about the birth of both Leyton and this new blog, both exciting new ventures I look forward to sharing with you each week.